Monday, December 22

The Christmash Episode

Christmas Past, Present and Future are featured here in the form of Ian Munday and Steve Tierney, Adrian Bradley and Brian Blessed's Yeti.

Indeed, Ian upsets the New Forest Ranger's children while Steve gets so excited that he plops in a helmet. Adrian meanwhile enlists the help of the NHS to Stop The Cavalry and Brian Blessed tells us that the Almas Giant actually exists. One day, we'll see. We'll see.

Also in this episode, The Wyse Man promises us a Christmas nugget to mull over this festive season and we feature Loopy's Christmas Miss, Wonderful Christmas.

Thursday, October 23

The Purchasing a Pig Episode

Canada Chris is missing England. It's all about the bacon really.

Mr Smash explains the back story to why there's been an absence.

Obviously, he doesn't really want to go on about it too much.

And Sue Ryder returns just as we're about to head off to Zambia again - this time it's with an ode to 'Not Wrestling'.

Doctor of Human Genetics, Louise Harewood, returns to eat a Kit Kat and tells us what she thinks, while an acupuncturist leaves something out of Mr Smash's brown bag of yucky herbal medicine.

Meanwhile there's a broken arm, a father waiting to be answered and Steve Tierney surrenders as much of his dignity as possible as he tries to introduce his new son to the Smashcast listeners. Also, listen out for the Fifth Beatle Forecast.

It's all rather smashilicious.

Friday, March 14

The Got Mugged Episode

Being mugged in Bristol. Adrian Bradley runs for the Air Ambulance and takes part in a Jelly Baby Holocaust. Oh Mickey you're so senior, you're so senior you blow my mind hey Mickey. Pete Davis sings about Bacon and Eggs for us while we hear from Chris Powell. Doctor of Human Genetics, Louise, tastes a new Marmite flavour and Little Becky wants her school demolished. Oh yeah, how important is pooing? SO important, that's how.